Oakton Instruments

Sales Oakton Instruments in Ukraine

Provision of Oakton Instruments products can implement by our company. Our company is international company which makes endustrial product provision. We are not Ukraine distributor of Oakton Instruments brand yet we are importing it. Oakton Instruments products fabricate in modern foundations with high technology investments.

Brand products Oakton Instruments

NIST-Traceable Calibration

Handheld Meter Kit

WD-35662-35 ECTEST11PLS

Auto-ranging for maximum resolution


SALTTEST11 Salinity tester waterproof

WD-35662-30 TDSTEST11

ECTestr 11 dual-range


conductivity solution

pH 450

PH/MV/ISE/T Waterproof pH 450 Portable Meter


Measuring device


InnoCal NIST-Traceable Calibration, for a pH Meter


Replacement Conductivity Cell


conductivity probe

ECTestr 11+ multi-range + EW-35662-35 obsolete/replacement EW-35634-65

multirange cup-style portable pocket conductivity meter

Other Category Brands

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